HR Business Partner

Region / Región

Required language / Požadovaný jazyk


Client company / Informácie o spoločnosti

Our client is an international manufacturing company, located in Kostolné Kračany.

Main tasks / Hlavné úlohy

  • Being responsible for day-to-day HR operations
  • Providing support to employees at assigned lines (Assembly, Maintenance, Logistics)
  • Organizing selection and hiring and adaptation of new employees
  • Working with the attendance system
  • Advising on employees´ training needs
  • Organizing mandatory trainings
  • Monitoring employees´ development
  • Coordinating performance reviews, supporting managers and supervisors in performing evaluation interviews
  • Supporting assembly meeting on lines, solving issues
  • Monitoring talents and potentials of employees, assisting in career development
  • Providing support and mentoring for middle management
  • Supporting HR budgeting and planning by correct defining of job roles and requirements to fill them
  • Coordinating exit activities – preparing termination documents, ensuring hand-over of company belongings, leading exit interviews
  • Monitoring and reporting KPIs
  • Supporting company culture, ensuring compliance of all activities with company values, goals and mission
  • Coordinating temporary employees – communicating with personal agencies as regards recruitment, onboarding and terminations of temporary employees
  • Reporting data related to attendance of temporary employees, solving discrepancies
  • Cooperating with the Occupational Health Services Provider, organizing medical checks for employees
  • Organizing transport for employees – making timetables, communication with transport provider, informing employees​​

Requirements / Požiadavky

  • Previous experience on a similar position in a production environment
  • Skilled in recruitment, onboarding, trainings and HR administration
  • Good knowledge of Labor Law and related legislation
  • Active knowledge of English and Hungarian language
  • Advanced PC user
  • Very good organizational skills
  • Nice, diplomatic personality
  • Good communication and presentation skills
  • Independent
  • Responsible
  • Initiative

Information about salary / Informácia o mzde

2 000 EUR/month

The final salary amount will be defined based on the successful candidate´s experience and seniority.

Pre viac informácií o tejto zaujímavej príležitosti, kontaktujte nás kvôli dohodnutiu diskrétneho rozhovoru.

Pred odoslaním správy, prosím, prečítajte si a potvrďte Súhlas so spracúvaním osobných údajov.

Tento projekt riadi:


Aktuálne otvorené projekty

Ďakujeme za Váš záujem spolupracovať v oblasti ďalšieho kariérneho rozvoja s našou spoločnosťou. Zaslaním Vášho životopisu využívate príležitosť oboznámiť nás s Vašimi profesionálnymi skúsenosťami a znalosťami. V prípade vhodného projektu v budúcnosti, Vás budeme s radosťou kontaktovať.

Pred odoslaním správy, prosím, prečítajte si a potvrďte Súhlas so spracúvaním osobných údajov.