We would like to bring to the attention of our clients and candidates frequently used tools in the field of psychodiagnostics. Would you like to improve your self-awareness? Or to improve functioning of your teams?
Our company offers following personality questionnaires: Hogan and Facet5.
Hogan HPI measures personality as it relates to job performance, it identifies deeply integrated personal characteristics which impact how individuals approach work and interaction with others.
Hogan HDS provides insight regarding eleven “derailment” tendencies that, when incited by stress, pressure, or boredom, are capable of impeding work relationships, impacting leadership style, hindering productivity, and limiting overall career potential and effectiveness od an employee.
Hogan MVPI identifies person’s core values, goals, and interests, environment in which the person will perform best and derive the most motivation.
Facet5 is a personality questionnaire specially designed by psychologists for use by the management of companies. It provides a summary report on how an employee behaves in the workplace: his/her current behavior, as well as ways how to manage it, his/her strengths and individual work preferences.
Our experienced certified consultants will be happy to provide you with more information. Contact us at office@arthur-hunt.sk.